Opening hours restaurant Bazar
Hotel Bazar

Opening hours restaurant Bazar

Opening hours restaurant

Monday to Thursday 08.30-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Friday and Saturday 08.30-24.00 (kitchen closes at 23.00)

Sunday 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Reservations for our restaurant can be made by phone only at the following number                          010-206 51 51 and only during the opening hours of the reception.

We do not take reservations for our terrace outside.


Different opening hours restaurant

Ascension Day, May 9th 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Whit Sunday, May 19th 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Whit Monday, May 20th 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)


Opening hours reception and shop

Sunday to Thursday 09.00-20.00

Friday and Saturday 09.00-21.00



At the moment our hotel is closed due to a renovation.





Restaurant Bazar is easily accessible from Central Station by public transport:

Metro: D / E, direction: De Akkers / Slinge, stop: Beurs

In the center of Rotterdam, as well as in the Witte de Withstraat, it is paid parking only. You can pay at the parking machine with either your debit or credit card. It is also possible to use car parks such as ParkBee Witte de With, Apcoa Parking Westblaak or Interparking Lijnbaan.


At the hotel reception we sell discount tickets for Apcoa Parking Westblaak in the Hartmansstraat, which is just steps away from the hotel. You can buy this ticket for € 19,00 either before or after you enter the car park. Please note the ticket is valid for 24 hours of parking from the moment of entry, you can only drive out once and it only works at the car park machine combined with the ticket you get at the gate of the car park when you enter. Prices mentioned are subject to change.

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