Opening hours restaurant Bazar
Hotel Bazar

Opening hours restaurant Bazar

Opening hours restaurant

Monday to Thursday 08.30-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Friday and Saturday 08.30-24.00 (kitchen closes at 23.00)

Sunday 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Reservations for our restaurant can be made by phone only at the following number                          010-206 51 51 and only during the opening hours of the reception.

We do not take reservations for our terrace outside.


Different opening hours restaurant

Ascension Day, May 9th 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Whit Sunday, May 19th 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)

Whit Monday, May 20th 09.00-23.00 (kitchen closes at 22.00)


Opening hours reception and shop

Sunday to Thursday 09.00-20.00

Friday and Saturday 09.00-21.00



At the moment our hotel is closed due to a renovation.





Restaurant Bazar

In our restaurant you can enjoy a wide variety of dishes, originating in different countries from the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean. 

At Bazar you can have a cozy breakfast with friends, lunch with your family, but also have a group dinner with your colleagues or have brunch with your grandmother.

All our meat is halal.

We only take reservations by phone, not by e-mail. If you would like more information on making a reservation for a group, please click on groups.